2024 Dodge Ram 3500 CrewCab (lights fix) v1.0.0.1
– We managed to get all the lights to work. The static lighting has been fixed for now.
– We took what was broken and useless and turned it into a functioning machine. It’s not perfect by any means, but the main things that matter do work. There is an error or two left, but we are working them out, and they don’t seem to affect gameplay at all.
– Works in multiplayer
– 4 Passenger enabled
– We will update as we fix more errors. We have been fixing this mod for about 24+ hours so far.
Still a pretty rough mod but thank you for giving us another pickup in game. If it wasn’t for the drivers cam being off center it wouldn’t be half bad.
It’s great, and thank you, but cant seem to get it to hook up to any trailers that all tractors or trucks (base game & mods) will. Gooseneck or Pull Behind.