Small Production No Shed V1.1
Hi, welcome to my first mod! Do you think that having the productions exposed to the air without any walls around is a bit unrealistic and/or the preset roofs don’t fit the map well, or do you simply want to use an empty shed to place your small production?
This is now possible. I have added the possibility to activate the shed, so you can decide which one is best for you. I have also changed the default production cycles: I have taken the cycles of the large productions and divided them in half, so that they are not too productive, making the large ones useless. As I said, I would like to preserve the challenge of the game and not make an easy money production.
So a small summary:
– Price: 40000
– Possibility to turn the roof on or off during placement (enter the edit menu with the F key).
– Increased cycles. (Increased X5)
The mod has been tested and I have not found any errors in the console btw I can’t test it on multy for the moment. Please let me know of any changes. (if it’s in my capabilities)
– Fixed warnig error.
– Added Cement Factory.
– Adjusted the recepies according to the new version of game 1.6.