Amazon Citan 15001C (Multfruits) v1.0

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Amazon Citan 15001C (Multfruits) v1.0

Amazon Citan 15001C (Multfruits) v1.0

Here is a seeder with different color configurations, direct sowing, all fruits (corn etc. can also be sown with it). I also added a roller to prevent you from rolling afterwards.

The warnings that exist still lack fruit on standard cards and have no influence on operation. Otherwise, the mod is error-free.

  • Base price: €199,999
  • Capacity: 11,700 / 45,000L
  • Working width: 15m
  • Working speed: 25 km/h

Author: GIANTS Software sugarle666
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1 Response

  1. Tunapiano says:

    the seeder breaks pretty quickly ever since the patch. it won’t completely fold out or it will but the ends will lift up off the ground after awhile…like an hour…preventing the seeder from physically touching the dirt and it misses large areas. i’ve had it break twice today. must be sold and replaced.

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