Cow barn with feeding robot v1.0.0.0
Hello everyone, here is a building for cows equipped with a feeding robot. It is a building which has been modified so all the capacities have been modified.
- 500-seat building
- 500,000 feed capacity
- 1,000,000 storage for silage
- 500,000 hay storage
- 500,000 straw storage
- 50,000 storage for minerals
Does it also work if you place a placeable bunker silo near it for manure ones ive tried a few days ago didnt work when placeing a bunker silo near it
For the mod barns, make sure to use the “silo extension” manure heap, not the manure heaps in the “silo” tab.
None of the capacities have been increased, 49k of hay, straw and Mineral feed, 115k silage. Robot only makes 1500 food/hr. Only keeps up with 100 Water buffalo