Dakota 4x v2.1.0.0
4x map. Rolling Prairies. 75 fields. Start from scratch, ONLY. There are no farms on the map, but there is a small town in the center of the map with all sellpoints. The design is for multiplayer, in a big community, hence the lack of premade farmyards and the overall small file size of the map.
– Added traffic splines. AI workers should work now via “set destination”.
– A few small foliage fixes.
– Added street lights in the town area.
– Painted “concrete” under the paved roads. This fixes tire tracks from leaving trail indentations.
Field 22 corn contract did not give enough corn to finish the contract.
traffic goes into the ground on main road near field 47
Field 67 tractor gets stuck into ground
Tactor goes into ground in field 67