Helena sheds v1.0

FS25 Mods |
Helena sheds v1.0

Helena sheds v1.0

This is the helena storage and office pack you can buy chemicals here there will be an update with more opitions soon!

Author: FieldWise Modding
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4 Responses

  1. Christopher says:

    Is this a mod? I never understand the “unzip” files that don’t seem to have a zip file in them to drop in the mods folder. Just a newbie here asking for guidance. Thank you!!

    • H2LYF says:

      There’s 2 ZIP within…. you’ll need to extract those two files and put those into your mod folder.

  2. Hatesu says:

    This is a mod, yes. It’s a purchase point by the looks of it. You can build it to buy pesticides and possibly other things like fertilizer. Most mods you just drop in the mods folder and don’t need unzip them. However, some mods rely on other mods. If they do, it generally will say so in the description.

  3. Hatesu says:

    Oh, of course you will have to activate the mod for your save game once you load your game up.

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