NF Marsch 4fach Mod Map v1.3.1
Multifruit Map with 10 new fruit varieties.
Version 1.3.1
– Sheep in the appropriate stable can now also produce manure
– Cotton can now be sold in bulk at the harbor
– Empty pallets can now be purchased at the hardware store
– Temporary yeast solution can also be purchased at the hardware store
– Land area 108 enlarged to accommodate the flour factory
– The unguarded railroad crossing now has barriers
– Field 4 water puddles moved closer to the road
– Invisible bench collision on the driveway to House 37 moved
– A lamp at the riding arena moved
– Fixed the floating manhole cover on the road in front of the livestock dealer
– Heating plant now also accepts wood chips in pallet form
– Flag and flower boxes at the North Gas Station moved
– Mineral feed is now displayed in the price list
– Improved flashing lights on the decorative wind turbines
(Rye, spelt, triticale, spring wheat, spring barley, hemp, linseed, field beans, field peas) and alfalfa
5 new bale varieties (hemp swath, flax swath, alfalfa hay, fresh alfalfa, and legume straw)
Typical North Frisian lowland landscape extensively revised and redesigned
89 fields with a total of approximately 1,159 hectares of field area
Approximately 146 hectares of forest land
Approximately 64 hectares of purchasable dike land
3 different collectibles (gold coins, Shelly shoes, and pallets)
Animals can be fed with the Multifruits
Horses have significantly increased their value
Sand, soil, and gravel for dredging
Train as a sales point
Approximately 15 different sales stations
3 gas stations (one with diesel and methane purchases)
Major project: Playground in the park
Large stadium with soccer function
2 BGAs installed
2 stations for purchasing bulk goods
Hardware store for purchasing pallets of building materials
Many purchasable areas for farms and/or production
Extensive road network
More than 40 paintable areas Ground textures
Many grasses, bushes, and flowers to place/paint yourself
Shop for decorative vehicles, but be careful on servers and multiplayer
Grain converter to convert spring wheat and spring barley to regular wheat and barley
Animal trade with the option to purchase manure and dung
Wind turbine areas can be purchased, and wind turbines can be replaced with electricity-producing wind turbines
Empty pallets, bark mulch, OSB, and chipboard pallets
House residents and supporters all up to date
Fed Mods Pack & Fed Production Pack are required.
the game says fed mods pack and fed production pack is not installed even through it is installed
you have the wrong version of the files or names are not the same as what it’s wanting then….ie you have a (1) at the end or _v_1_1 etc etc