Riverbend Springs – Cannabis Edition V1.0
Welcome To Riverbend Springs – Cannabis Edition.
Map Changes/Additions:
– Added Cannabis and Cannabis Swath
– Cannabis Swath Square and Round Bales
– Indoor Snow Masks Removed – Snow will now build up on roads
– All Farmland is now buyable
– Increased drop amount for breakable rocks
– Customized Twister Speed, Size and Damage Strength
– Increased max hours it can snow in the winter to 24hrs a day
– All Bushes and Foliage can now be cut with a mower
Hi sir love this but one issue i been experiencing is freezing when loading in
Hello, just want to say thanks for making me start a new map =)-~ I haven’t tried swathing on a normal map to see if what I am seeing is this map or base game. I bought one of the fields by the farm since it was ready to harvest when I started. I didn’t use the swathing header first. I just used a normal header to harvest it with a straw swath turned on. Then I went over it with the swath collecting head, and over it, and over it, and over it…So far I have filled up my harvester 4 times. Once from the first harvest and three times with the swathing head. It just keeps giving me more cannabis when I go over it.
I downloaded it and put it in my mods folder. I dont see any change on my Riverbend edition. Do i need to put it somewhere else to get it to work?
You have to start a new save, it won’t change the one you are currently playing. Scroll through the available maps and you will see it at the end.
lol, Because it just keeps putting out cannabis swath you can run your harvester over it backwards collecting a harvester full of cannabis and piling it up at the end for easy pickup….unless you want to run over it again! =)-~
Btw, it’s just the cannabis that does this, the rest of the crops are ok.